
During spring of 2021, I'm going to try photographing as many bird species as I can, posting the photos here along the way.

Downy Woodpecker

Common Grackle or Brewers Blackbird?

These two birds seem tough to differentiate, but I'm leaning towards this example being the Grackle mostly because we saw a flock of these birds in early March, and it seems like the range of the Brewers Blackbird doesn't extend to Michigan until spring/summer.

Northern Cardinal

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Coopers Hawk

Photo from December, 2020, so a little early for this "Spring 2021" project, but it was a fun find in the neighborhood so I'll put it here anyways.


Ann Arbor, Michigan

Great Blue Heron

Top left: La Conner, Washington Top right: Kensington Metropark, Michigan

Bottom left and right: Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Red Tailed Hawk

Top: Ann Arbor, Michigan

Bottom: Kensington Metropark, Michigan

Black-Capped Chickadee

Kensington Metropark, Michigan

Great Horned Owl

Eberwhite Woods, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Juveniles in Eberwhite Woods, Ann Arbor, Michigan, photographed in 2018.


Ann Arbor, Michigan

Northern Flicker

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wild Turkey

Kensington Metropark, Michigan


Top: Tree Sparrow in Kensington Metropark, Michigan

Middle left: House Sparrow at Cobblestone Farm, Ann Arbor, Michigan Middle right: House Sparrow in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Bottom: Tree Sparrow at Kensington Metropark, Michigan


Kensington Metropark, Michigan


Kensington Metropark, Michigan


Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Red-winged Blackbird

Kensington Metropark, Michigan


Ann Arbor, Michigan

Bald Eagle

Top: Washington Park, Anacortes, Washington

Middle left: La Conner, Washington Middle right: Anacortes, Washington

Bottom: Juvenile at Washington Park, Anacortes, Washington

Sandhill Crane

Kensington Metropark, Michigan


Ann Arbor, Michigan